About Us

Our Vision and Mission

Taroona High School is a leading centre of innovation, creativity and excellence in teaching and learning. Our mission as a school is to “enrich lives through learning.”

The school recognises the importance of learning throughout life and thus our mission applies equally to students, staff and the wider Taroona Community.

Our Values

In our work with students staff model life-long learning and uphold the following values. We believe that these values are critical in constructing learning opportunities and supporting students as they develop self-awareness and establish themselves as valued members of their communities.

  • Respect
  • Honesty and Integrity
  • Professional Growth
  • Sense of Belonging
  • Innovation and Creativity
  • Engagement in Learning

School Improvement Plan

In 2023 we have two key priorities that we are focussing on as a school.  These are Excellence in Teaching and Learning and Wellbeing for Learning.  Excellence in Teaching and Learning has a specific focus on developing consistent, high impact and supportive teaching strategies to improve learning and achievement of all students.  Wellbeing for Learning has a focus on our THS values, Social and Emotional Learning and an explicit plan for supporting the wellbeing of all students.

 A copy of our School Improvement Plan is available by request through the school office.