September 24 Newsletter

Click here to view the September 24 Schoolzine eNewsletter!

Monday 24 July Student Free Day

A reminder Monday 24 July is a student free day. We look forward to seeing students return for Term 3 on Tuesday 25 July.

Our year 11 & 12 students will resume Monday 24 July.

June 26 Newsletter

Click here to view the June 26 Schoolzine eNewsletter!

TASC Interview Evening

Year 11/12 Students and Year 10 Math Methods Students

Monday 29 May 4:30pm – 6:00pm

Bookings can be made from Thursday 25 May until midday Monday 29 May at:

For information on how to login, please click on the link below

2023 SRC Scholarships NOW Open

If your child is interested in applying for a scholarship please have them ask at Student Services for the information handout. Applications close Wednesday 21 June.


Our Schoolzine App provider has advised that there is currently an issue with the recent app update. This issue should be resolved at the latest by Friday, we apologise for the inconvenience that this has caused.

April 5 Newsletter

Click here to view the April 5 Schoolzine eNewsletter!

Friday 10 March - Stop Work Action

The school canteen will not be available on Friday for recess and lunch orders, due to the upcoming stop work action. Information below:
Dear Families,
As you may be aware, the Australian Education Union (AEU) has directed members to participate in stop work action on Friday 10 March 2023 from 1:30pm.
We understand this will be an inconvenience for families and we will be communicating specific arrangements for Taroona High School as they are communicated from DECYP.
We will include as much detail as we can regarding impact on students, including transport and travel. We will communicate this through our whole school email and it will also appear on this page.
We understand the importance of providing you certainty on what this action may mean for our school as soon as possible.

February 23 Newsletter

Click here to view the February 23 Schoolzine eNewsletter!

Yr7 & Yr10 Immunisations and Yr7 Beach Day

Year 7 and 10 immunisation forms need to be completed and returned by Friday 17 February, whether you are giving permission, or not, for the immunisation to occur at school.
Year 7’s first round of immunisations will be on Tuesday 28 March
and Year 10’s on Tuesday 20 June.
Year 7 Beach Day
A reminder that we have organised a Beach Day at Bellerive Beach on Friday 24 February. To be able to attend, students will need to have returned their Major Medical and Aquatic Forms by Wednesday 22 February. HG teachers have a list of who has returned their forms and will give those that haven’t spare forms this week.